(Jesus: ) I'm in the business of succeeding, and so are you. We're an up-to–date, efficient, and moving-with-the–times army. We're a small army too, one in which every man counts. There's a huge world out there to be saved and taught, and honestly, it's physically impossible to do it with the manpower and resources that you have. Not only do you need every ounce of spiritual help I can give, but you need to maximize your efforts as much as possible.
You need to make sure everything you invest time into is worth your time and energy. You need to make sure that your every mission and project is the very best and furthest-reaching. You need to be professionals, and that includes praying specific, targeted, powerful prayers. It means putting your all into each prayer. To do that, you need to have a vision, a specific goal. You need to have your weapons and enhancers to prayer mastered and in use. And then you need to put it all together with the insight and experience that you have in order to pray the most effective prayers you can possibly pray.
To you is given the most important job in history, the closing act of the most important mission there ever will be, which I and millions of My children throughout the ages have given our lives for. It's your turn to give your lives now—not by losing them, but by setting aside everything but your desire to be professionals, to win this battle, to do whatever it takes, and to take out your Enemy right here and now, before you even see him, through intercessory prayer. You're snipers, not machine-gunners. Make every shot count, and you'll get there much more quickly and easily.
I have great plans and huge ideas for the offensive. I want to begin performing mighty miracles through you. And I mean mighty—the kind you stand in awe at! We're not just going to put in some extra time and get a lot of souls saved, or get out some extra lit or more tools than normal. When I say offensive, I mean an all-out attack, a campaign. I mean business! I'm prepared to go out on a limb here and say that this will be the beginning of your days of doing miracles right and left.—Not just miracles that you take by faith, but the visible and jaw-dropping kind too.But—and this is a big but—the only way it will happen is if you get a lot of spirit help behind you. I mean a lot, more than you've ever gotten before. You simply won't be able to do it without a ton of help. And the only way you'll get all the help you need is if you pray it down desperately now! If you do, if you put your whole heart into praying that help down now, then I promise that you'll see miracles and answers to prayer like you've never seen before. I promise that the response then will be proportionate to the faith, belief‚ and obedience that you demonstrate now in your prayers.
But every word in prayer must be backed by faith—your utter faith in Me to do as you have asked. Otherwise those words will have no power‚ and will command no action in the spirit or in the flesh. It will be like dumping these little prayer warriors on the field of battle without ammo or power or movement to do My will. Those words will lie there, fruitless and wasted.But prayers prayed in full faith will command action. Each word prayed in full faith can be visualized as a soldier going out to battle, heading out into the terrain of the future, to prepare the way for you. Millions and millions and millions of these soldiers must be sent out so that monumental action can be taken in the spirit on your behalf‚ so that you can reap the fruit of your rewards and receive the fulfillment of My promises. Pray in full faith, My loves, and so shall it be done for you!
Without prayer there would be no release of power‚ no spiritual energy, no action, no accomplishments, no miracles.There is so much good stuff.....this could go on & on.hehe....hope it's not too long. ~ MarZ
Awesome stuff. Congratulations, you are the first person to post on the blog* well besides me, of course), keep it up, and everyone keep this in your prayers. If anyone has any ideas for a new subject to pray for, feel free to post. Love you all! -Aaron
Nice stuffies marz.
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