Sunday, February 17, 2008


Woah, I never thought that this day would come so quickly! I didn't feel that was capable or ready, but now, after the feast, I KNOW that I am not capable, Jesus is the one who has to do it all! This was the best feast, totally. Even though we had to read hundreds of paragraphs per day, it was hard core and quality feeding. So much awesome inspiring word flowed into my heart like never before. I don't ever want to be the same as before, I feel great. It was funny though that in one of the Gn's it gives this listy type thing, that say" Would you do anything for the Lord, how much are you willing to sacrifice to make the offensive work?" and stuff like that. Then it says that they aren't gonna have the XD or FDTP this year (which I was super duper looking forward to), but I had just said yes to all of those questions, so you have to live up to your end of the bargain type thing. But ya, the Lord helped me to be happy, and see the positive fruit that he wants to come about in my life as a result. So PTL, we are all super inspired about the offensive. Ready to launch an attack on Satan? Attack NOW! Love in Jesus, our commander and chief.
